Nick Frangos x-x--x
Lisandro x-x--x
Nesbitt x-x--x
Lisandro completes and Frangos and Nesbitt call. They check it the rest of the way down and Frangos shows hidden eights for a better two pair and the win.
Nick Frangos x-x-
Daniel Negreanu x-x-
Jeff Lisandro x-x-
Nick Frangos completes and Negreanu calls. So does Lisandro.
On fourth, Negreanu bets and Frangos calls. Lisandro folds.
On fifth, Negreanu bets and wins - showing rolled up jacks!
Negreanu completes and Pappas raises with an unknown card. On fourth and fifth, Negreanu checks and Pappas bets. Negreanu folds on fifth and Pappas wins.
Lisandro x-x--x
Nick Frangos x-x--x
Greg Pappas
Lisandro completes and Frangos calls. Pappas folds.
On fourth, Frangos checks. Lisandro bets and Frangos calls.
On fifth, Frangos bets and Lisandro calls.
On sixth, Frangos bets and Lisandro calls.
On seventh, Frangos checks. Lisandro bets and Frangos raises. Lisandro folds and Frangos wins it.
Greg Pappas x-x--x
Nick Frangos x-x--x
Daniel Negreanu x-x-
Nesbitt Coburn
On third, Negreanu completes and both call. Coburn folds.
on fourth, Pappas bets the ace and Frangos calls. Negreanu folds. On fourth, Pappas bets and Frangos calls.
On sixth, Pappas checks and Frangos checks. They check seventh and a pair of fives wins it for Frangos.