On fifth, Negreanu bets and Coburn calls. On sixth, Negreanu bets and Coburn is all in. Negreanu calls and makes three jacks and two fives - though Negreanu was already drawing dead after the third jack. Coburn doubles.
Daniel Negreanu x-x--x
Greg Pappas x-x--x
Pappas completes and Negreanu calls. Papaps bets on fourth and fifth and Negreanu calls. On sixth, Pappas checks. Negreanu bets and Pappas calls. On seventh, Pappas checks. Negreanu bets and Pappas folds.
Greg Pappas x-x--x
Jeff Lisandro x-x--x
Nick Frangos
On third, Pappas completes and Lisandro calls. Frangos folds.
On fourth, Pappas bets and Lisandro calls.
On fifth, Pappas bets and Lisandro is all in for 13,000. Lisandro makes three fours to double up.