Daniel Negreanu
Nick Frangos
Nesbitt Coburn
On third, Negreanu completes and Frangos calls. Nesbitt folds.
On fourth, Negreanu checks. Frangos bets and Negreanu calls. They check it the rest of the way and Frangos wins with Queens and 3s.
Severin Walser x-x-
Jeff Lisandro x-x-
Lisandro completes and Severin calls. On fourth, Lisandro bets and is called. On fifth through sixth, they check it. On seventh, Lisandro checks. Walser bets and Lisandro folds.
Nesbitt Coburn x-x--x
Daniel Negreanu x-x--x
Severin Walser
Negreanu completes and Coburn calls. Severin folds. On fourth, Negreanu bets and Coburn calls. On fifth, both check. On sixth, Coburn bets and Negreanu folds.
Nesbitt completed, and Pappas called. Pappas went all in. Nesbitt bet on fourth and Pappas went all in. Nesbitt calls and makes a king high straight to take out Pappas.