Preflop, Alan Cutler limped in from the small blind and Alexandre Gomes checked his option. Cutler then checked in the dark and said, "I'm going to check in the dark. Just this one time. One time."
The flop fell and Gomes bet out 100,000. Cutler made the call.
Both the turn of the and the river of the were checked around.
Kirill Gerasimov has been pretty quiet at the table so far, with his only significant action coming when he raised it up preflop and was forced to fold to a 3-bet. He has slipped back to about 900,000 chips.
Dan Rome has also been sitting tight and has yet to enter into any major pots. He is still on around 600,000 chips.
Alan Cutler opened with a raise preflop to 140,000 from the cutoff position before Sverre Sundbo announced a reraise from the small blind of an additional 400,000. Before the chips were in the middle Cutler had moved all in, and Sundbo snap-called.
The board landed and Cutler's pair of sevens hold to double up to about 1,400,000 bringing Sundbo back to the pack with 750,000.
Robert Brewer has taken three out of the last five pots by raising and taking it. This trend started with him last night when we got to the final ten players. He began raising every other hand, and taking a lot of blind and ante pots.
The final table of the $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. World Championship has just begun introductions and pregame festivities. Obviously, the majority of spectators are watching that event. The Amazon Room, which is normally shoulder to shoulder with spectators and railbirds is almost empty. There are a few people watching the PLO event and this $2,000 NL final, but it is apparent that H.O.R.S.E. is king.
Tony G just stopped by the final table to check out the action. Normally, unless you have a media badge, you do not have access inside the rail here at the World Series of Poker. There are exceptions of course.
A security guard who obviously doesn't follow poker came up and asked Tony G for his media pass and told him that he needed to get behind the rail. As this happened, someone came up behind the guard and whispered something in his ear. After getting a "deer caught in headlights" look on his face, he said, "never mind" and left.
Preflop, Gabe Costner raised to 110,000 chips from late position and Alexandre Gomes called from the button followed by Sverre Sundbo calling from the small blind.
On a flop , the action was checked around by all three players.
On the turn of the , Sundbo checked to Costner, who bet out 180,000 chips. Gomes called. Sundbo then check raised all in for approximately 340,000 more. Costner wasted no time in calling the bet. Gomes thought for about 30 seconds and then folded.
A five was the only card that could give Costner the win for this hand. The river card fell the and Sundbo doubled up to approximately 1,600,000 in chips.
After the hand, Costner was left with 750,000 chips.
The first few pots of gone the way of the preflop aggressor with early blinds and antes going to Ryan D'Angelo, Marco Johnson and Alan Cutler.
The only pot that saw a flop was when Johnson raised from the button and Robert Brewer defended from the big blind. They saw a flop of and Johnson took it down with a continuation bet.