A lot of solid playing going on so far at this table.
First, Alan Cutler received a walk in the big blind. Next, Robert Brewer and Alexandre Gomes took their turn at raising and taking it.
The very next hand, both Ryan D'Angelo and Marco Johnson limped in and saw a flop. The action was check on the flop, and then on the subsequent turn and river. D'Angelo showed for the winning hand.
The hand that had the most potential for fireworks occurred between D'Angelo and Johnson. After D'Angelo's win with the four's, he then proceeded to raise from the button for 120,00 chips. Johnson wasted no time in reraising to 345,000 total. D'Angelo went into the tank for a few minutes before finally folding.
After many of the pots today have been taken down by preflop aggression, Ryan D'Angelo decided to mix things up with a limp from the cutoff. The action folded to Gabe Costner in the big blind who checked his option.
They took a flop of and Costner checked to D'Angelo who led out with a bet of 80,000. Costner made the call.
The turn brought a fourth club with the and both players checked. The river landed the and Costner checked again to D'Angelo who thought for a few moments before cutting down 200,000 and sliding it into the pot. Costner went into the tank but eventually moved two stacks of orange into the middle to declare a call.
D'Angelo showed down for a flopped flush and Costner cringed and flashed for a rivered two pair. Costner is now down to 320,000 with D'Angelo looking strong with over 1.3 million.
Marco Johnson raised from the button for 130,000. From the small blind, Kirill Gerasimov deliberated for a long time before he reraised all in for approximately 800,000. Johnson made the fold.
After the hand, Gerasimov is up to approximately 1,000,000 in chips.
Most of the last few hands have been basic raise and take it. Gabe Costner, Ryan D'Angelo, and Alexandre Gomes were beneficiaries of the first three pots.
Afterwards, Gabe Costner and Robert Brewer limped into a pot together and checked it to the river. An aggressive 100,000 bet on the river gave Costner the pot.
The very next hand, Sverre Sundbo moved all in and it was folded back to Costner. Costner then went into the tank. Sundbo then proceeded to get very very antsy and stood up, did a little dance, and then sat down with his chair turned backward. Costner finally folded to the cheers of his gallery.
Costner's gallery is an interesting one. They cheer when he wins and they cheer when he makes a big laydown.
For those of you following the coverage that may have followed our coverage of the New Orleans Circuit event, yes, Costner's girlfriend is here. She has been very quiet however.
Dan Rome - 9th Place
The action folded around to Dan Rome in the small blind who shoved all in for about 475,000 but Ryan D'Angelo snap-called in the big blind with . Rome was in trouble with his .
The board fell and we lose our first player of the day with Dan Rome collecting $71,687 for his 9th place finish.
Marco Johnson has taken a recent dent to his stack after being the preflop raiser from early position, he was forced to fold to the all-in 3-bet shoves from both Kirill Gerasimov and Alexandre Gomes in consecutive hands.
Johnson is back under the 2 million chip mark for the first time today.