Both players seem content to play small ball. There have not been any large pots since Jason Gray doubled up almost an hour ago.
Meanwhile, the gallery has grown. Spectators are lined all around the ropes surrounding the feature table. APPT Seoul champion Yoshihiro Tasaka is one of them.
Jason Gray has won a few small pots in a row. The latest was on a flop of . Martin Rowe led out for 200,000, then folded when Jason Gray raised to 700,000.
Gray's chip count cracked 2.6 million for the first time, but he lost the very next pot. He's got about 2.5 million to 6.9 million for Rowe.
The players are still trading pots at almost a one-for-one clip. Unless someone goes on a rush, we could be here for a while. Sixteen minutes remain until the blinds increase to 40,000 and 80,000.
Neither player has been able to get any traction since Jason Gray doubled up to 2.2 million chips. They are basically alternating pots right now. The most recent hand netted Martin Rowe an additional 380,000 chips when Gray refused to call Rowe's river bet of 350,000 on a board of . As a result, Rowe is up 7.4 million in chips, and Gray is down to 2.0 million.
Jason Gray has taken a hit of more than 500,000 chips. He raised preflop to 250,000 after Martin Rowe completed the small blind. Rowe called that bet, then called 275,000 more on a flop of . Gray checked the turn to Rowe, who took down the pot with a bet of 275,000. Gray flashed as he mucked; Gray showed .
The next hand played out a bit differently. It was Gray who limped in and Rowe who raised to 250,000. On a flop of , Rowe led out for 250,000, then folded to an all-in raise.
Jason Gray
The two players are trading punches and trading pots. Jason Gray was the latest victor. He bet 110,000 on a flop of and was called by Martin Rowe. On the turn , Rowe led into Gray for 300,000, then snap-mucked when Gray shoved for more than one million additional chips.
Gray is up 2.4 million in chips but is still at an almost three-to-one chip deficit.
Jason Gray is picking his spots. He tried to raise to 210,000 after Martin Rowe completed the small blind. Rowe raised Gray back to 500,000, an amount that was too much for Gray to stomach.
To the delight of most of the gallery, Jason Gray has new life. In a raised pot, he check-raised all in on a flop of . Martin Rowe made a snap call and showed for top pair, top kicker. Gray had a solid draw, showing . He needed a queen, king or eight to stay alive. The promptly hit the turn to make him a straight. The pot was his after the river came down .
Gray now has about 2.2 million chips; Rowe retains 7.2 million.