The High Rollers event started last night and played all the way through almost 8am this morning, when the money bubble burst. It's now down to a heads-up contest between Jarred Graham and Sam Korman. Korman has a two-to-one chip lead, with 490,000 chips to Korman's 240,000.
The chip stacks are getting closer to even. Jason Gray is up to 4,250,000, less than one million chips off of Martin Rowe's 5,150,000. He is increasing his stack by winning a series of small pots. For example, on a flop of , Gray checked to Rowe, who bet 150,000. Gray called to see the hit the turn. Both players checked. When another deuce fell on the river, the , Gray took down the pot with a bet of 250,000.
Almost every pot is limped at this point, as the last pot between Jason Gray and Martin Rowe was. Gray bet 120,000 on a flop of ; Rowe called. The turn was the and brought a bet of 200,000 from Gray. That was enough to fold Rowe.
We could have had some huge fireworks here. Martin Rowe flopped two pair on a board of with in his hand; Jason Gray flopped a pair and a straight draw with . The turn filled Gray's straight, but the on the river made a board straight. 200,000 chips went into the pot on the flop, but both players checked the turn and the river. Chop it up.
Jason Gray just dodged a bullet. He bet 150,000 on a flop of and was called by Rowe. The two men checked the rest of the way, with the turn coming and the river . Gray turned over for the flopped straight, but Rowe caught a running flush with .
Jason Gray has taken another chunk out of Martin Rowe's chip stack. Gray completed the small blind and then called when Rowe raised to 280,000. Rowe fired out 250,000 on the flop and 350,000 on the turn. Gray called each bet. When the river fell , Rowe tanked for about half a minute before losing his nerve and checking. Gray checked behind. Rowe showed for a total airball; Gray tabled for the winner.
Gray has climbed to 4.0 million in chips now. Rowe still has the chip lead with 5.4 million.
Jason Gray
The first major pot we've had in more than an hour has gone to Jason Gray. He bet 80,000 on a flop of , 225,000 on the turn, and 400,000 on the river. Martin Rowe called on each street and then mucked his hand when Gray turned over for a wheel.
Small ball play continues into Level 26. In a limped pot between Jason Gray and Martin Rowe, the flop came down . Both players checked. When the turn came , Rowe bet 175,000 and was called by Gray. Both players checked the river. Rowe turned over for two pair, nines and eights. Gray had the winner with , two pair kings and nines.