Bordy Wonderland

Hand #219: James Bord was still stacking his chips when the next hand was dealt, but he found space to limp his small blind. A wounded Fabrizio Baldassari meant business though; he increased the price of poker from the big blind to pick up the pot.
Hand #220: Baldassari continued his aggressive streak with a raise to 200,000 from the button. With chips to play with, Bord made the call and we saw a flop. Bord took control of the pot with a bet of 225,000, but Baldassari was in no mood to lay down. He flat called.
On the turn, Bord decided to check, which provoked a bet of 500,000 from Baldassari. Bord instantly waved his hand forward to signify an all-in and returned to his stoic posture.
The Italian sat back in his chair with his arms folded before rubbing his chin pensively. He seemed tortured by the decision and it was obvious he was in somewhat of a quandary. After sizing up his options and offering his foe a piercing stare, he took one last look at his cards (nope, they hadn't changed) and flicked them into the muck.
Cue the local choir:
"Theeeeeeeere's only ooooooooone James Bordy... We're walking along, and singing a song, walking in a Bordy Wonderland!"