No more ActionJack
That sounds like it could be a banjotastic country song, but it's the way Paul Jackson has been dramatically adding to and subtracting from his small stack. Just now he reraised button raiser (and neighbour and fellow Dusk Till Dawn sponsoree -- no soft play here) Dave Colclough all in preflop. Dave passed showing A-9 while Jackson showed 8-8.
Moments later, and Jackson was reraising Paul Ephremsen from 4,500 to 11k total preflop. A think and look at the Jackson stack (less than 10k remaining) and Ephremsen opted for the call.
Flop: . Ephremsen bet out 10k pretty fast, and Jackson insta-folded face-up. He was shown for his trouble.
The last stand was again, moments later, when Jackson ran into the queens of Joe Le, his ace-big-kicker missing everything.