Hands #68-75: Polk Three-Bets Grospellier

Hand #68: Doug Polk received a walk in the big blind.
Hand #69: Haralbos Voulgaris received a walk in the big blind.
Hand #70: Dario Sammartino raised to 900,000 from the hijack and Bertrand Grospellier called from the cutoff.
The flop came down and Sammartino checked to Grospellier who bet 1,100,000. After a few moments, Sammartino folded.
Hand #71: Chris Moore limped from the small blind and Martin Jacobson checked his option.
The flop fell and Moore bet 450,000. Jacobson folded.
Hand #72: Haralabos Voulgaris raised all in from the cutoff and received no action
Hand #73: Dario Sammartino limped from the small blind, Bertrand Grospellier raised to 1,200,000 from the big blind, and Sammartino folded.
Hand #74: Martin Jacobson raised all in from the cutoff and took down the pot.
Hand #75: Bertrand Grospellier raised from the button, Doug Polk three-bet to 3,075,000 from the small blind, and Grospellier folded.