Hands #11-15: Trettin is Trekkin' to the Top

Hand #11: Huihan Wu raised all in from the cutoff, and everyone folded.
Hand #12: Huihan pushed all in again for 350,000, and everyone folded.
Hand #13: Billy Rodgers raised to 60,000 from the cutoff, and David Pham three-bet to 160,000 on the button. Everyone folded, including Rodgers.
Hand #14: Billy Rodgers raised to 65,000, and Jordan Young called from the big blind. The flop was , and Young checked. Rodgers bet 80,000, which was good enough to take down the pot.
Hand #15: Roman Korenev raised to 65,000 from the cutoff, and Nathan Pfluger called on the button. Kevin Trettin was in the big blind and re-raised to 175,000. Both Korenev and Pfluger called, and they went three ways to the flop of .
Trettin led out for 205,000, getting a fold from Korenev, but Pfluger stuck around to see the turn bring the . Trettin bet 275,000, and Pfluger let go of his hand, allowing Trettin to scoop a hefty pot.