"The Soccer is Coming!"

"Excuse me sir, can we have the football game on the TV?" a player in the Pavilion room just asked the tournament director.
"We're working on it sir, we've already called to have it changed," the tournament director kindly responded.
In the Pavilion room, on all the screen across this giant room, golf was being shown. While the US Open is a very big golf tournament players from all over the world are excited to watch soccer's greatest festival.
"Can you show the soccer?" the next player asked with a strong Italian accent.
Italy's currently playing against England in one of the most highly anticipated matches in the group stage, and the player in question seemed quite anxious he was missing out his country's match.
"Yes sir, we are working on it," the tournament director responded again.
The tournament, who had apparently answered this question one too many times, finally resorted to making a an announcement across the room.
"The soccer will be on the TV soon, we called and asked for it!" the TD yelled, as we noticed many smiles across the room.
About a minute later all the TV did switch channels and the World Cup was put back on. We feel a little sorry for the golf fans in the room, but in the next few days they are likely to be outnumbers by the international participants here at the World Series of Poker.