Shack-Harris' Flush Takes One

Hand 71: Brandon Shack-Harris fired up a min-raise on the button, but nobody wanted to play.
Hand 72: Steve BIllirakis raised to 45,000 on the button and won the pot.
Hand 73: Shack-Harris got a walk.
Hand 74: Iori Yogo opened for a raise and was called by both Shack-Harris and Billirakis in the small and big blinds, respectively. Everyone checked the flop, and a
arrived on fourth street. Shack-Harris came out with 70,000, and Billirakis folded. Yogo thought briefly before following suit.
Hand 75: Shack-Harris won the pot with a raise on the button. He showed .
Hand 76: Shack-Harris raised to 40,000 and was called by Morgan Popham in the big blind. The flop prompted two checks, and a
came out of the deck. Popham bet 55,000, and Shack-Harris called. On the
river, Popham checked and watched his opponent bet 130,000. Popham slid a call forward.
"Flush," Shack-Harris.
"It's good."
Shack-Harris showed .