Taylor and Doremus Go At It...Twice
Level 19
: 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante

Hand #47
The action was folded around to John Taylor in the small blind, who made the call. Olivier Doremus checked his option from the big blind and the flop came down . Taylor checked and Doremus bet 31,000, Taylor raised to 96,000 and Doremus thought for a moment before coming over the top for all of his chips; Taylor folded.
Hand #48
John Taylor raised to 52,000 on the button and Olivier Doremus called from the small blind. The flop was and both players checked. The turn was the
and Doremus led for 70,000. Taylor raised to 270,000 and that was too much for Doremus, who eventually found a fold.