Hands 130-136
Hand #130: Liberto's bleeding ended momentarily, courtesy of a walk in the big blind.
Hand #131: Bennington continued his climb, calling a preflop raise of 550,000 made by Gray, and betting the turn on a to force Gray out.
Hand #132: Gray open-shoved for 4.43 million, and the overbet did the job.
Hand #133: Bennington raised his button to 500,000, and scooped the blinds and antes.
Hand #134: Liberto received another walk in his big blind.
Hand #135: Gray raised his button to 550,000, Bennington came along, and the flop fell . Both players checked, and the action repeated on the
. When the
came on the river, Bennington fired a bet of 500,000 at Gray, who tanked for a minute or two before looking the doctor up. When Bennington opened up
, his flush was too much for Gray, who sailed his cards into the muck.
Hand #136: Liberto raised his button to 480,000, Bennington and Chen called from the blinds, and the flop came . After it was checked to him, Liberto fired away with a bet of 570,000, forcing his two opponents to retreat.