Vrabel Confronts Negreanu, Security Gets Involved

Earlier, we let you know about a few spats that have gone on today in this event. Well, there was just another confrontation.
Because of Daniel Negreanu's comments and name calling towards Luke Vrabel of "catfish" �� which have continued some since the last incident �� Vrabel decided to go over to Negreanu's table and stand up for himself. He began yelling at Negreanu about what he had said. At one point he yelled out, "You don't know me!" and "Don't say that s*** about me!"
Vrabel was standing behind the dealer while he was yelling, and Negreanu stayed seated in Seat 4 across the table from the dealer. Negreanu responded to Vrabel's yelling by saying, "I can say whatever I want. It's my right. This is a free country!"
Eventually, a security guard came storming over and escorted Vrabel back to his table. While this happened, Negreanu began laughing extremely loud almost to make sure Vrabel could hear him the entire time. Vrabel wasn't getting any happier, but security made sure he went back to his seat. Negreanu kept laughing for the next couple of minutes before things eventually calmed down. "See, I can say whatever I want now because security has him," joked Negreanu.
Shortly thereafter, Erick Lindgren busted from Vrabel's table.
Vrabel and Negreanu are still seated at diagonally adjacent tables, so we'll be sure to keep an eye on this situation if anything else comes up. The security guard is well aware of the issue and has been hovering closely nearby since the recent spat.