Top Full House Doesn't Faze Gary Margolis
Poker can be a cruel game, a fact which we were just reminded of courtesy of Gary Margolis. After a player opened for 26,000, Margolis elected to make his stand, moving all in for his last 90,000 or so chips. The raiser quickly called and announced "I have a pair," while tabling the .
"Your pair's bigger than my pair," replied Margolis, referencing his inferior .
The first card off was a dagger through the heart of the player with the overpair, and before he could even calculate his slim odds of finding a third jack to catch up, the rained down on the turn to officially end his tournament.
Then, with no regard for the mental anguish this would case, the deck decided to deliver the on the river, giving the freshly broken player something to think about for a long time to come.
Player | Chips | Progress |
125,600 |