Michaels Doubles With Aces
More exciting action from our featured table. Robert Kay raised to 600 from middle position and Camton Michaels, who was next to act, was the only player to call. The flop came and Kay check-called a bet of 1,250 from Michaels. After the
fell on the turn Kay checked again and Michaels tossed out a bet of 6,000. Kay then announced he was all in and Michaels quickly called putting himself at risk.
Kay frowned as he saw Michael's hand and the on the river left Michaels' aces in the lead securing his double-up to around 45,000.
Shortly after this hand, the featured table was swapped and while Doyle Brunson stayed, the rest of the players have now switched out and we have a table full of fresh new faces to watch here in "the mothership."