Sweet Flop for Yee

"Three-way chop?" said the short-stacked Michael Yee with a grin when three-handed play began. "I just want to put that out there," he added. Both Jeffrey Gibralter and David Singontiko chuckled.
Down to just 260,000, Michael Yee received his cards on the button and peeked to look. He shrugged, said "pot" for a raise to 105,000, and David Singontiko quickly folded. Jeffrey Gibralter checked his cards, announced a raise to put Yee all in, and Yee quickly called.
A royal minus the king for Yee, while Gibralter was looking for low cards on the flop. "Jack, jack, ten!" came the cry from the rail in Yee's cheering section.
Then came the flop -- ! Not exactly the order, but good enough. Indeed, the flopped boat for Yee made the turn
and river
no matter.
Yee doubles to 535,000, while Gibralter now has about 1.3 million.