Adams Eliminated in Controversial Ending

We walked in on the floor making a ruling at a table with Brandon Adams, Shaun Deeb, and Bryan Devonshire. Adams was all in with a board showing for a pair of queens and Deeb showing
for aces and tens. The controversy occurred when Devonshire, who was not involved in the hand, said that the dealer did not burn a card before dealing seventh street.
Even though the dealer said she did, the cards were counted and indeed the dealer did not burn a card. As a result, the cards on seventh street were shifted around, and Deeb, who had just a pair of sixes at the time, got the to make two pair. That bested Adams, eliminating him from the tournament.
Understandably, Adams was not pleased with the result, and refused to leave his chair until he was given a sufficent explanation of the ruling. About five minutes after the controversial seventh street was dealt, Adams finally succumbed to his fate, and left the tournament area.