Klein Shoving Often

Riding the short stack in a tournament isn't too fun, especially when play is down to four handed and the blinds are moving around the table much more frequently. Geffrey Klein is in the boat and he's been shoving his stack in a lot lately. Here's a sample of some of the recent hands.
From the button, Klein moved all in for 560,000. Everyone folded and he won the pot.
Shortly after that, Jeff Papola raised to 60,000 from under the gun and Klein called from the big blind to see the flop come down . Klein open-shoved on the flop and Papola folded.
On the next hand, David Vamplew raised from the button to 65,000 and Klein moved all in from the small blind to take down the pot preflop. A couple hands later, Vamplew raised from the small blind and Klein shoved from the big blind to win the pot.