Main Event Dealer Dealt His Last Hand

Shaun Harris, who dealt at the 2010 Main Event Final Table and also got 24th at this event last year, is out.
Under the gun, Harris raised to 175 with one caller in middle position. The cutoff then re-raised to 625 and after tanking for a couple minutes, Harris re-raised to 2,500. The cutoff snap shoved for a little under 3,000 with a call from Harris who held to the cutoff��s
. The board ran out
to cripple Harris�� stack down to 1,075.
The next hand, the player under-the-gun limped, the player on the button raised to 275, and a dejected Harris moved all in from the big blind for 1,075. The player under-the-gun then shoved his whole stack for close to 3,000 with a quick fold from the player on the button. Harris flipped over to the UTG��s
. The board ran out
to send Harris to the rail before the end of the first level.