The Aftermath

While the heads up match continued on the feature table, outside in the hallway things were kicking off.
We only caught the tail end of the fracas, but a combination of detective skills and a good working knowledge of Hebrew means that we can report the following:
- Someone approached third place finisher David Levi in the payout room, claiming he owed him money.
- Levi told him that this was not the case.
- The gentleman in question attempted to assault Levi - whether or not the attempt was successful, we do not know.
- The gentleman in question made some anti-Semitic remarks and threatened violence at a later, unspecified time.
- When we arrived outside, Levi was engaged in an impassioned argument with the security guard over why he had not done enough to protect Levi.
It all seems to have died down now, although no-one in the Levi party looked happy...