Just as we were set to redraw for seats, we lost two players on the same hand. Karga Holt started by opening for 31,000 from late position. He was called by Wes Watson from the button and Rob Tepper in the small blind before Jason Cohen moved all in from the big blind for a total of about 100,000. Holt then moved all in as well, folding Watson.
Tepper summoned a floor to confirm we had reached the next pay jump before calling all in as well, creating a three-way pot!
Cohen: ("Live cards!" he said with delight)
Holt didn't seem thrilled to be up against two hands, but that changed on a flop of . The on the turn gave him a lock hand, eliminating both other players in the process. Since Tepper had more chips than Cohen to start the hand, Tepper is the 17th place finisher and Cohen is the 18th place finisher. Both will receive $19,068.