One Orbit, No Flops

First, Jonas Klausen raised to 95,000 from late position, and all folded. Then Steven Bradbury raised to 125,000 from early position, winning the blinds and antes.
On next one, Andrew Youngblood raised to 95,000 from middle position, and Eric Baldwin reraised to 315,000. It folded back to Youngblood who folded, and Baldwin took the pot.
Next, James Taylor opened with a raise to 100,000, winning the blinds and antes. Klausen got a walk in the big blind. Then, Roland de Wolfe opened by pushing all in from the button, and the blinds folded.
Finally, Klausen limped in from the button, and Youngblood completed from the small blind. Then Taylor raised to 205,000 from the big blind. Both his opponents folded.
(Only Benjamin Scholl, currently the short stack, was not active during the round.)