Okay... here's that big hand we were alluding to that occurred just before the break -- a three-way all-in hand in the PLO round. On a flop of , George Boyce raised pot, Alfredo Vega reraised all in, Bjorn Verbakel called with the rest of his stack, and Boyce called as well. (Vega had Boyce covered.)
Vega -- top set
Verbakel -- a Broadway wrap
Boyce -- a smaller wrap draw
Ah, Omaha. Gotta love it.
The turn was the and the river the . Thanks to that river trey, Boyce wins the hand with his seven-high straight. He's now up to 180,000. Vega tumbles to 57,000. And Verbakel is out.
Rob Hollink also was eliminated at the same time at another table -- not sure at the moment who is 32nd and who is 33rd, but both are paid the same: $6,293. We'll sort out the places momentarily.