George Guzman raised it up from the button and Craig Sabel made the call from the small blind. Spencer Lawrence deliberated for a moment from the big blind before raising again to make to 60,000 to go. Both opponents called.
The flop came and the action checked to Lawrence who opened with a bet. Guzman the raised from the button. Sabel then motioned to call but evenutally pulled his chips back. The tournament director was called and ruled the forward motion as a call. Lawrence then reraised once again. Guzman called all in, and Sabel got out of the way.
Lawrence held the lead with two pair, but amazingly the turn landed the and river to give Guzman a running straight to take the pot. He was jubliant as he raked in his chips. "Quick give them to me before they draw out!" he chirped, much to the "Are you serious?" looks from the rest of the table.
Lawrence is now in trouble on about 85,000 in chips while Guzman is strong again on about 270,000.