Griffin Wins a Huge Pot

"This is the skill portion of the game," joked Fricke.
Action after the first draw checked to the cutoff, who bet. Griffin again raised, folding only the small blind. Fricke and the cutoff both called. On the second draw, Fricke drew two again, while the cutoff and Griffin both drew one.
Action checked to the cutoff, who led out with a bet again. For the third time, Gavin Griffin raised. Fricke called the raise, only to see the cutoff three-bet and Gavin raise for the fourth bet. Fricke deliberated, then called. The cutoff called as well.
"I'm sorry if I bad-beat you guys," said Fricke. "Well, not really."
He drew one; the cutoff and Griffin were pat. Action checked to Griffin, who bet. Fricke finally folded, but the cutoff called to see the bad news: Griffin made a wheel.
After the hand, Griffin was well over 14,000 in chips. Fricke is down to about 2,200.