Hand #47 - Dolph Arnold has the button in seat 4, Vahedi moves all in under the gun for 4,000, Chu raises to 125,000, Schleger moves all in for 219,000, and Chu calls. The three players show:
Amir Vahedi:
Michael Chu:
Shane Schleger:
The flop comes , and Schleger solidifies his lead with a pair of aces, king kicker. Chu is looking for a jack, while Vahedi needs something runner-runner to stay alive.
The turn card is the , and Vahedi picks up an open-ended straight draw. Vahedi is looking for a seven or a deuce, Chu is looking for a jack, and Schleger wins on any other card.
The river card is the -- . Schleger's hand holds up to win the main pot and the side pot, and he doubles up in chips.
Amir Vahedi is eliminated in seventh place, earning $63,327. The next player eliminated will receive $84,858 for sixth place.
There will be a short break while Amir Vahedi is interviewed by ESPN.