Sully Erna
In Hand #13, the player on the button raised to 21,000 total and Sully Erna called in the small blind. The flop came and after Erna checked the other player made a massive overbet of 60,000. Erna then check-raised all-in for about 22,000 more and his pot-stuck opponent made the call with . Erna turned over for the set and the cameras and crowds pressed close as Erna would double up if he could avoid the other player's gutshot draw .
Which, of course, promptly hit in the person of the . Erna was livid, pacing around his chair in frustration as the cameras followed his every move...and then the arrived on the river to give Erna a full house and the pot.
"That's why I play poker!' Erna shouted as the pot was pushed his way.