Hand #26 - Andreas Krause has the button in seat 4, Yoak limps for 60,000, Jacob limps from the cutoff, Krause raises from the button to 300,000, Yoak calls, and Jacob folds. With 800,000 already in the pot, the flop comes , Yoak moves all in for about 700,000, and Andreas thinks for over a minute before he folds. Jeff Yoak takes the pot.
Hand #24 - Jeff Yoak has the button in seat 2, Crivello raises from the cutoff to 200,000, Jacob moves all in from the small blind for about 4 million, and Crivello thinks for about a minute before he folds. Jacob takes the pot.
Hand #23 - Craig Crivello has the button in seat 1, Evans raises to 175,000, Jacob reraises from the big blind to 450,000, and Evans folds. Alex Jacob takes the pot.
Hand #21 - Paul Evans has the button in seat 5, O'Leary limps from the small blind for 60,000, Crivello moves all in from the big blind for about 500,000, and O'Leary thinks for about a minute before he folds. Craig Crivello takes the pot.