Monster Pot Narrowly Avoided

Picking the action up on the river, Charles Moore's 53,000 remaining chips were nicely stacked over the betting line in front of him and his opponent Brent Keller was paining over an all-in decision for his remaining 46,000.
With about 33,500 in the pot on a board, Keller went deep into the tank and was visibly going back and forth about the decision. After about six or seven minutes Moore leaned back and said, "I just figured out I'm ahead."
Confused, Keller responded, "I've been tanking for this long and you now just figured it out? That just means I'm ahead." After some more chatter, the dealer asked them not to talk about the hand and Keller made note that the more Moore talked, the more he was leaning towards folding. A few minutes later the clock was called and Keller eventually released his hand.
Moore has moved up to over 86,000 chips.