Azor Catches On The River

Level 29
: 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante
Victor Paraschiv opened to 160,000 from under the gun and when Marvin Rettenmaier and Artur Voskanyan folded, Ran Azor three-bet to 290,000. Paraschiv called and it was heads up to the flop.
After the preflop action we expected fireworks on that flop but both players slowed down and checked. The on the turn saw Azor bet 450,000 prompting Paraschiv to ask, "You got like 700,000?"
The answer was yes and Paraschiv made the call. The fifth and final community card was the and Azor turned his seat away from the table and checked. Paraschiv reluctantly checked behind.
Paraschiv looked towards the heavens when he saw Azor had paired his eight on the river. Azor just stacked his chips.