Marc-Olivier Perrault raised from early position and was called by Pascal Hartmann in the small blind and Luis Rodriguez Cruz in the big blind. The flop fell and the action checked to Perrault, who continued for 88,000. Only Hartmann called before the duo checked down the turn and river.
Five German-speaking players were seated over on table two but that number was reduced by one when two of them clashed in a preflop all in. Markus Durnegger had raised and called the three-bet shove of Stefan Schillhabel for what appeared to be 700,000.
It was a classic race with the ace-king for Schillhabel and the for Durneggger. The board came and Schillhabel failed to improve, joining the rail in 23rd place for �38,350.
From early position, Boris Kolev opened for 50,000. Ihar Soika shoved from the button for just over 500,000 and big blind Benjamin Pollak isolated by going all in over the top. Kolev folded.
Ihar Soika:
Benjamin Pollak:
No exciting things on the flop (), turn (), or river (), and Soika exited the tournament area.
After winning this event back in 2014, now 24th for �32,950.
Several players were short and it was Conor Beresford that ended up as the one to miss out on the last three tables.
Marc-Olivier Perrault open-shoved from the small blind and Beresford glanced over at the other tables before calling it off from the big blind for approximately 340,000.
Conor Beresford:
Marc-Olivier Perrault:
The board of left Beresford's hand second best and he bowed out in 25th place. All remaining 24 players will now redraw to the last three tables.
Pascal Hartman raised to 52,000 from the cutoff and Jake Cody moved all in from the small blind. Hartmann called for his last 616,000 and the cards were tabled.
Pascal Hartmann:
Jake Cody:
The board came and Cody was left with fewer than five big blinds.
Hand 2
Cody raised to 80,000 on the button, leaving himself with just one T-5,000 chip behind. Franz Ditz in the small blind three-bet to 190,000 and Alexandre Reard forfeited his big blind. Cody looked at the clock and the other tables, then called before his shot clock had run down to zero.
Jake Cody:
Franz Ditz:
The board of provided no help and Cody was eliminated in 27th place for �32,950.