Henry B.
From middle position, Henry B. came in raising to 120,000, and he got just one caller as the active Imad Saab came along from the big blind. The two men saw the flop come out , and Saab checked. That gave Henry his cue to bet 100,000, and his opponent quickly put in the call.
On fourth street, the made things interesting. Saab checked again, and Henry fired out the same 100,000-chip bet. After a moment, Saab moved all in for a total of 504,000, sending Henry deep into the tank. Saab advised his opponent to fold several times before the staff told him to be careful with the table talk. Saab then called the clock on his opponent, and Henry open-mucked ! A good sport, Imad Saab turned up his , complimenting a truly impressive fold from Henry.