Joe Sweeney Eliminated in 9th Place ($52,000)

On the last hand of the level, we've lost our first player from this final table.
It began with Eugene Katchalov opening to 2,400, and Joe Sweeney called from the small blind to go heads up to the flop. It came
, and Sweeney decided to take the betting lead. He did so in a big way with an all-in shove for what looked like 28,300 total. Katchalov snap-called, and Sweeney knew he was in trouble.
Well, that's why Katchalov called so quickly! He'd flopped the nuts with his diamonds, and Sweeney was drawing dead to runner-runner.
The turn ended any potential drama, and the river
was too little, too late for the at-risk player.
That's the end of the road for Joe Sweeney, walking out in 9th place with $40,000 plus six bounties for a total cash of $52,000. Not too shabby for the local.