Katchalov Raises Jaffe On Turn

Level 2
: 200/400, 50 ante

Joe Sweeney raised from middle position to 1,200 and Team PokerStars Pro Eugene Katchalov called from the hijack seat. In the small blind was Jonathan Jaffe and he reraised to 3,800. Another Team PokerStars Pro, Jason Mercier, folded from the big blind before Sweeney and Katchalov made the call.
The flop came down and Jaffe fired 4,800. Sweeney ducked out of the way and Katchalov called to see the
fall on the turn. Jaffe bet again, making a wager of 7,000. Katchalov studied for a bit and then raised to 20,000. Jaffe took a minute or two and then gave it up. Katchalov scooped the pot.