Controversy on the Main Stage

There was just a bit of controversy over on the table on the featured stage involving Alejandro Federico de Arruabarrena and Fernando Araujo.
When we got to the table, Araujo was yelling to his rail about how he was all in with aces versus kings. The two hands, Araujo's and Arruabarrena's
, were tabled and the dealer had yet to run the board. Araujo was nervous as he was the player all in and Arruabarrena called for a king.
The dealer then ran the board and Araujo doubled up, but there is where things got confusing.
The dealer told Arruabarrena that Araujo's all-in bet was worth 83,000. Arruabarrena argued that he never actually made the call of the all-in bet. The floor was called and an attempt to explain what happened occurred, but there were a few different versions given to the floor staff by various players at the table. It was explained that Araujo raised to 24,000 and then Arruabarrena reraised to 74,000. Action folded back to Araujo and he moved all in for 83,000. Then, he tabled his hand and revealed the aces. Arruabarrena argued that he never exactly said "call," but tabled his hand anyway before the dealer then ran out the board. Arruabarrena argued that because he didn't say call, he should only owe 74,000 and not the full 83,000.
Finally, tournament director Mike Ward was summoned and when he got to the scene the action was explained to him once again. After the explanations were heard, Arruabarrena was then asked by Ward if he would like to call or fold, for the extra 9,000. He said that he would fold and because of this answer, only had to pay 74,000 to Araujo. Ward said that if he were to say call, he would have instructed the dealer to run a new turn and river.