Brent Sheirbon
Brent Sheirbon opened a can of worms when he came in raising to 25,000 from early position. Action folded around to the button, where Jesus Bertoli announced a reraise. He put out 57,000 total, and the betting passed back around to Sheirbon. He asked for an estimate of Bertoli's chip count, and after a moment, he moved all in for a total of 245,000. Bertoli went into the think tank for two or three minutes, counting down his stack and sitting silently. Finally, he slid his cards into the muck, saving his last 135,000 for a better spot.
With a sheepish smile, Sheirbon opened up his hand: . In the next seat over, Ryan Fee let out a big yell. "I love you, man!" said Fee, leaning over and bear-hugging Sheirbon. The seven-deuce was good enough to win him the pot, knocking Bertoli down to the short stack.