Cards were on their backs and stacks were in the middle, with Miki Vea Garcia all in for 5,450,000 and slightly covered by Mykhailo Demydenko.
Miki Vea Garcia: A?Q?
Mykhailo Demydenko: J?J?
Demydenko was ahead in a race, and his opponent whiffed the 8?3?5?10?2? runout. Demydenko indulged in a respectful celebration when the river hit. He now moves over 11,000,000.
Maor Zaharagi opened to 325,000 from the cutoff and Manuel Roca made it 1,000,000 to go from the small blind. Zaharagi responded with a shove and Roca called all in for 3,740,000 total.
Manuel Roca: A?Q?
Maor Zaharagi: A?K?
Roca had one foot out the door with his dominated ace, but the A?3?Q? flop paired his queen to give him a commanding lead.
The 6? turn nor 10? river improved Zaharagi and Roca was awarded the double up.
Lars Sommer jammed for 1,225,000 from under the gun and he was called by Jakub Sterba on the button.
Lars Sommer: A?Q??
Jakub Sterba: K?K?
Sommer was on the edge of elimination after the flop of 3?6?7? and the 4? turn. But the 5? river completed the straight on the board, so Sommer and Sterba split the pot.
Moments after Lasse Hansen doubled up through him, Martin Kabrhel raised to 495,000 from the hijack and he was called by Vaclav Drbal who opened from middle position.
On a flop of 4?9?A?, Drbal bet 120,000 and Kabrhel called with the single chip worth 5,000 he had left.
Martin Kabrhel: 8?8??
Vaclav Drbal: A?K?
Drbal hit two pair with the K? turn, and Kabrhel was eliminated after the 7? river.
Gerald Karlic opened to 200,000 from early position, and received a call from Istvan Pilhofer in the small blind, before Claudio Livrieri three-bet jammed for 375,000 from the big blind.
Karlic asked if he could raise, and on being told he could, pumped it up to 800,000. Pilhofer called.
On the 6?6?2? flop, Pilhofer check-called versus a bet of 450,000 from Karlic. The J?A? turn and river were checked through.
Karlic tabled 8?8? for two pair eights and sixes, which was good versus Pilhofer's 5?5? for a worse two pair. Livrieri had 7?3? and departed.
Adrian Ibanescu was also seen departing the tournament area after busting.
With around 1,500,000 in the middle on a completed board of K?5?4?Q?J?, Bartosz Piesiewicz checked in the big blind to Martijn Kiers under the gun.
Kiers had around 2,400,000 behind, and moved forward around 600,000 in chips while saying "All-in". Piesiewicz flicked in a calling chip, but with the players seated in the eight and one seats, he didn't realize Kiers had a stack behind.
Piesiewicz, who had 1,775,000 total, stated he didn't want to make the call for the full amount and maintained that the bet should be limited to the 600,000 Kiers had put in the middle, demanding the floor be called.
There was a five minute delay while matters were explained to the tournament director, who sought a second opinion, before it was confirmed that Kiers verbal declaration of all-in stood, as did Piesewicz's call. Kiers had done nothing wrong, he had stated he was all-in, and it was Piesiewicz's responsibility to check the amount of the bet he was calling.
Neither player was pleased, Kiers stating "This is ridiculous, he would have folded if he'd known the true amount", and it soon became apparent why he did not like the ruling, as he flipped A?9? for ace-high. Piesiewicz tabled K?10? for a pair of kings, and scooped the most accidental double-up he will probably have in his poker career.
Around 1,050,000 was in the middle on a board of A?K?6?9?, in a three-way hand between Ladislao Dalfo in the big blind, and Theodoros Ampelikiotis and Gerald Karlic in middle position, with action checked through.
The 7? river completed the board, and Dalfo check-called a bet of 500,000 from Ampelikiotis, with Karlic getting out of the way.
Ampelikiotis tabled K?K? for the flopped set of kings, and Dalfo mucked, claiming shortly afterwards he had a set of sixes.