Toni Kaukua moved all in for 28,000 and was looked up by Birger Larsen in the big blind.
Toni Kaukua: A?8?
Birger Larsen: A?9?
Kaukua's ace was pipped but the K?Q?5? flop was a good one, giving him a spade draw. His flush completed on the 6? turn with the 7? river completing the board and Kaukua's double.
Rubens Sellam opened to 6,500 under the gun, and received calls from Nakul Sharma in middle position and Juho Suutari in the big blind.
On the A?6?3? flop, Sellam continued with a bet of 8,000 and received a call from both of his opponents.
The 8? hit on the turn, and Suutari checked once more. Sellam fired out a bet of 17,000, and Sharma again called. Suutari then check-jammed for 38,000. Sellam called, but then folded to a three-bet jam from Sharma for 83,000.
Juho Suutari: A?J?
Nakul Sharma: A?8?
Sharma had top two pair versus Suutari's pair of aces, and Suutari could not find the jack he required on the 3? river.
Cristian Visoiu opened to 8,500 under the gun, and was met with a three-bet to 20,000 by Tan Le in the next seat. Action folded to Darko Percic in the small blind, who took some time for thought before producing a four-bet to 53,500.
Visoiu got out of the way, but Le moved all-in pretty promptly for around 138,000 total, and was snapped by Percic with the slightly covering stack.
Tan Le: K?K?
Darko Percic: A?A?
Le had run into aces in a cooler, and was suitably disgusted with the scenario. His mood darkened further after the A?7?6? flop gave Percic top set.
A ray of hope appeared after the 4? turn gave him a diamond draw, and sure enough the 5? hit on the river to send him the double-up with the king-high flush.
Le slammed the table in celebration as the river hit, while Percic couldn't believe what had just transpired, shaking his head and muttering to himself for quite some time after.
Jussi Matilla limped in from the small blind and Arian Kashani made it 8,000 from the big blind. Matilla called.
The flop came J?4?3? and Matilla check-called a bet of 6,000 from Kashani to see the 2? turn. Again, Matilla went into check-call mode when Kashani bet 20,000.
On the Q? river, Matilla checked for a third time and Kashani bet 17,000. Matilla went into the tank and looked to be in a tough spot while he mulled it over, but eventually settled on a fold, and Kashani was pushed the pot.
Spyros Karathanos had three-bet to 20,000 versus Tamer Ibrahim's open, and was faced with a four-bet jam by his opponent with the covering stack.
Karathanos, who had 73,500 behind, engaged in some chatter with Ibrahim, who assured him he was strong.
The table talk might have persuaded Karathanos to go for it, as after a minute or so of more thought he made the call.
Spyros Karathanos: Q?J?
Tamer Ibrahim: A?K?
Ibrahim was ahead, but Karathanos smashed the Q?9?8? flop, hitting top pair and a straight draw. He improved to the straight on the 10? turn, and the 4? river confirmed his double-up.
Salvatore Camarda was once among the chip leaders on Day 1e, but has dropped down the counts after the latest hand he played.
Camarda opened to 4,000 from under the gun then called a three-bet from Bogdan Tapu in the next seat.
They went to a flop of 3?5?Q? where Camarda checked and Tapu fired 4,500. Camarda then check-raised to 15,500. and Tapu immediately moved all-in for 50,000. Camarda revealed 7?7? and sounded like he said "Call,", but did confirm it was a fold.
Tapu was kind enough to show K?K? to his table neighbor, showing Camarda that he did make the right fold.
Monir Marie blind shoved from under the gun for 12,500, and received calls from Borgki Biba and Pierre Costa, before Abdelhakim Zoufri three-bet to 35,000.
Biba moved all in for around 55,000, Costa followed suit for around 42,000, and Zoufri called off the difference with the covering stack.
Biba had the best of it preflop, but Costa went ahead after the Q?J?3? flop gave him second pair jacks. However the 10? rolled off on the turn to give Biba a set, and the 4? river was a brick to send him a monster pot.
Oliver Heidel had more than doubled up since PokerNews last checked on Table #41, but he quickly lost most of his new-found riches in a hand with his table neighbor David Hareuveni.
Hareuveni was on the button and ended up calling off his stack of 65,500 after Heidel had shoved from the small blind for around 80,000.
David Hareuveni: K?Q?
Oliver Heidel: 7?7?
Heidel maintained his advantage through the 9?4?10? flop, but Hareuveni paired his king on the K? turn to propel himself into the lead. Only a seven on the river would earn Heidel the pot, but instead the 8? filled out the board, which improved Hareuveni to a bigger flush.
Lasse Lauritsen was all-in preflop with two other players still in the hand.
Carsten Meyer-Nordhorn and Sorin Ionut Morariu checked the K?J?10? flop and Q? turn and the river was the 4?. With 44,000 in the middle already, Meyer-Nordhorn bet 12,000 and Morariu quickly folded.
Lauritsen tabled Q?10? for two pair, but the A?K? for Meyer-Nordhorn took down the pot and eliminated Lauritsen.