"You Called???"

Daniel "Kid Poker" Negreanu min-raised to 60 on the button at Table 1. Gus Hansen, with his feet shaking ferociously, three-bet to 180, and Negreanu called. The flop came , and both players checked.
The turn was the , Hansen led out for 360, and Negreanu called.
The completed the board, and Hansen went into the tank.
"There's 1,080 in the pot?" Hansen asked. "And you have 1,085?"
Negreanu didn't respond.
Hansen was deciding on what to bet, and then he timed out. Negreanu opted to fire, and Hansen quickly called.
"He called???" Negreanu blurted.
Negreanu showed for a bluff, which Hansen had beat with
Negreanu is left with just 365 chips.