Van Den Berg Perplexed by Perepletchikov

Erik Van Den Berg opened the betting with a raise to 800 from early position. One by one the players folded, until it was the turn of Oleg Perepletchikov (cutoff) to act. A brief pause was followed by a three-bet to 2,200 from Perepletchikov and a call from Van Den Berg.
Van Den Berg then checked to his opponent upon the arrival of the flop and then called when Perepletchikov took a stab at the pot with a 3,100 bet. Van Den Berg tapped the table and checked again when the
came into play, and Perepletchikov bet again, increasing the amount to 7,100.
This seemed to puzzled Van Den Berg who you could see was attempting to recap the hand in his head. Eventually, after around 45 seconds, Van Den Berg folded whilst sporting a puzzled look on his face.