Pobal Checks Behind River with Nuts and Receives Penalty

From the button, Mikalai Pobal raised with the and Joni Jouhkimainen made the call from the big blind with the
. On the flop, the
fell and Jouhkimainen picked up top pair to take the lead. He checked to Pobal, who bet his flush draw for 450,000. Jouhkimainen called.
The turn was the and both players checked to see the
land on the river. Jouhkimainen checked to Pobal, who had rivered the nuts with an ace-high heart flush. Despite having the nuts, Pobal checked behind.
The two players turned up their hands and everyone saw that Pobal had the nuts. He also realized this and threw himself back in his chair in surprise before being pushed the pot. The floor was called in to make a ruling and because Pobal checked behind with the nuts, he was given a one-round penalty.