Seat 1: Eugene ��oogee�� Yanayt - 2,420,000

Seat 1: Eugene ��oogee�� Yanayt, 27, Santa Monica, California, USA �C PokerStars SuperNova Elite �C 2,420,000
Yanayt is one of the top Triple Draw cash games players in the world, regularly competing against high-stakes players such as Gus Hansen, Phil Ivey and Matt ��hoss_tbf�� Hawrilenko. Yanayt��s family hail from Russia and he grew up in Moscow until he was nine when he moved to Boston with his mother.
Yanayt majored in Computer Science at University in Los Angeles (where he now lives) but has been playing poker for around nine years. As a SuperNova Elite, Yanayt was given a package to this year��s PCA and bought his way in to the 2010 PCA with FPPs, but he doesn��t play many tournaments and still has virtually no live tournament results apart from a 414th place cash in the WSOP Main Event in 2006 for ��30,000.
On Day 3, Yanayt, who is a FIDE ranked chess master, went from 64,000 to a 2,374,000 chip lead, thanks to three big hands against Allen Bari, EPT Berlin champion Ben Wilinofsky and [Removed:330] [Removed:332].