Akery-raise with the Goods
Level 10
: 600/1,200, 100 ante
Monster hand, monster flop, weird out of position hand for Peter Akery just now - he cold fourbet 13,800 out of a 50,000 stack from the big blind preflop, prompting a lengthy dwell from first raiser Andrew Li. Li passed, but Johan Verhagen (having made it 6,000) called.
The flop: . Slow check. Slow bet of 7,200 from Verhagen; Akery called.
Turn: : Slow check again. Now Verhagen bet 12,200. Akery called (now with 16,000 behind).
River: : Akery checked a third time but his hopes for further value for his
were dashed when Verhagen finally gave up, showing
. Li muttered something about passing queens pre, and Akery nearly got the double up he was looking for.