Weekes Lead Gets Stronger

A massive hand just played out on the back corner table in the tournament room. It's a minefield of a lineup, with many big stacks including Jonathan Weekes, Luca Pagano, Ali Tekintamgac, and Daniel Aldridge. But now, it's just all about Weekes.
We arrived with a lot of money in the middle on a board. Aldridge bet something in the 20,000s, and Weekes called. A lot of river cards could have made things interesting, and the
was certainly one of them. Aldridge carefully bet 42,300. He looked ill when Weekes responded by raising to 150,000. Aldridge spent a few minutes in agonized thought. Weekes leaned back in his chair, arms folded across his stomach, trying to appear calm while barely breathing. Finally, Aldridge announced a call. And Weekes got the chance to show
for rivered quads.
After shipping a chunk of his stack across the felt, Aldridge was left with 210,000. Weekes is the towering chip leader now with 780,000.