Lundmark Wins Family Pot

Five-way pots are very rare at final tables but we just had one take place here at EPT Barcelona.
The standard preflop raise has been very close to a min-raise, which is enticing players to call. Kent Lundmark opened the betting with one such min-raise, Konstantin Puchkov called, Shander De Vries called from the button, and then both Guiseppe Pantaleo and Thor Stang called in the blinds!
Panatleo bet 235,000, which looked extremely strong as he was betting into the entire field whilst being seated out of position. Everyone except Lundmark folded, so only two players saw the peel off on the turn.
Both players checked the turn and then the on the river. Pantaleo turned over pocket fours but lost as Lundmark held
. Pantaleo continues on his slippery slope