Fernandez Crippled By Notaro

Team PokerStars Pro, Leo Fernandez has just lost a huge coinflip to leave himself with just 61,000 chips.
Francesco Notaro opened the betting from early position with a raise to 60,000. Everyone folded around to Fernandez in the small blind, who after a minute or so thinking time, moved his stack into the middle of the felt. Notaro quickly called and it was off to the races.
The dealer burned a card as the cameras closed in on the table, before dealing a flop, straight away giving Notaro the lead, leaving the Argentinian Team Pro drawing to two outs.
The arrival of the nine of hearts on the turn gave Fernandez some more outs to an unlikely Broadway straight.
Not what Fernandez was looking for at all and worse news was still to come, not only had he lost the hand, he had also lost all but 61,000 of his chips, and with these blinds those won't last long.
Notaro moves up close to 800,000