In early position, Peter Hedlund came in raising to 3,500. A few seats over, Felix Lambertz made the call before Francesco Trimboli moved all in for 35,900 in the small blind. Hedlund didn't waste too much time folding, but Lambertz was looking like a call.
"How much is it?" he double-checked. "I call."
"I thought you had something good," Hedlund interjected. "I saw you looking at my cards. You have jacks? Queens?" Hedlund's not very often wrong in these spots, but he was here. Lambertz turned up , drawing a shocked, "Jesus!" from Hedlund.
Trimboli then tabled his lowlier , and Hedlund was beside himself. "Jesus. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!"
The board would run out favorably for the at-risk Trimboli though: . His pair of nines is good enough to double him up over 90,000 and drop Lambertz down to a paltry 10,000 chips. Hedlund was still shaking his head as we walked away from the table.